Monday 18 March 2013

Top 5 Skills Every Leader Must Have

Top 5 Skills Every Leader Must Have


I come across this great post on Leadership this morning and wanted to re-post. Its an article from Steve Tobak - He talks about the skills that we need to become great leaders and goes into detail with some really good content.
Steve Tell's us that the world moves fast and if you can't keep up, your company is doomed. Here are five skills that every leader must have to run a company in today's culture.
A few years ago, I saw a video by a Harvard professor on competences for adapting to a changing world. Frankly, it was embarrassing. It was the biggest load of pseudo-intellectual garbage I’d ever heard.

Still, the world is changing. It’s becoming a more complex place. I guess that’s always been the case, but the rate of change appears to be accelerating. Given that’s the case, then what are the real capabilities will people need to distinguish themselves--to become the leaders, the innovators, the success stories of a new age?

Fortunately, as a veteran of the high-tech industry, I’ve known and worked with some of the most capable and accomplished folks around. Here are five competences that not only set them apart, but are becoming more and more important all the time. No, they’re not new-age business school jargon. Some aren’t even new. But what’s important is that they work.  

Please follow the link to the Top 5 Skills Every Leader Must Have

If you have any other relevant skills, tips or information please share on a comment below.


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