Thursday 21 March 2013

Looking at the reason why we are great!

Looking at the reason why we are great!

Sometimes when I am having a challenging day or finding it difficult to find new business I occasionally can sit here thinking to myself – What am I going to do? How can I drum up some business? What can I do differently?    

We can all answer those questions but what I do to instantly change my mental thought process is look at previous successes and business wins from recent times – This triggers an instant motivation from within and you can inspire you to go on and make the next few hours a lot more than the last.

Its human nature we all like to feel good about ourselves and when we see we have done a good job, like we adore those who give us praise or again – Tell us we done a great job we feel GREAT!

So next time we find ourselves knocking on many closed doors we look at some of the prosperous times we have had doing exactly what we are doing today and make a difference to our mind set. As we all know selling success is 80& psychological and 20% skills and techniques.   

I remember reading that people make decisions emotionally and with this we make decisions ourselves emotionally. That’s why we decide based on a feeling, need, or emotion, not though a logical thought process. That’s why intangible benefits are the keys to persuasion. When you’re talking, you should think to yourself, “What is the emotional hot button here?”                 

Of course, this barely scratches the surface. Psychology is a deep and eternally revealing line of study. And while I don’t believe in making things more complicated than they have to be, I think there is great benefit in knowing not only what people do and what we do, but also why we all do it.

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