Monday 4 March 2013

Sales Motivation is the key

Key to Staying Motivated

Selling is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Whether you sell insurance, homes, cars, toothbrushes, fridges or telephone systems you have to deal with irate and unrealistic customers on a daily basis as well as meet the demands and targets by your employer. I read that you receive more rejection in one day than an average 9-5 person sees in one month. So staying motivated is pretty tough!?

Here are some ways I personally use and others I have read which are key to staying motivated.

·         Eat Breakfast - This sounds a little silly, but having enough energy to carry you into the working day is important. If you are not energized to take an early morning call or visit then you will miss an opportunity.

·         Build A To Do List - Know what you are going to do that day. Fill out a blank sheet so you know where you are and where you are headed. If you are off track from where you want to be then you know what you need to sell that day to get back on track. (Can also allow us to work smart and effective)

·         Get Busy- If you are not on a site visit, it is natural for you to sit back and chat with the other people in your office. We all know that gossip can be counterproductive to motivation. This is where we require some SMD (As an old MD quoted often to me) Single Minded Determination.

·         Remember The Money - We all come to work to earn some. Keep the vision by remembering the reward for all of those mundane calls, Keep telling yourself – One more sale away from that holiday, car or milestone.

·         Work in a Happy Environment- A happy environment is a productive environment. What do you do when you are not in one? Ignore the people who I like to say ‘bring you down’ Get away from them. Tell them to go away! They are just taking up your time and trying to bring you down with them.

·         LET IT GO- If a negative situation happens- don't take it personally. Brush it off and move on. Don't dwell on it. STUFF HAPPENS! This is key that bad call or visit early morning can often ruin your day and determine your mood thereon after. Thick skin is why we do this job. Pick yourself up and move on.
Getting motivated and staying motivated is all up to you. I think its mental strength. No one can motivate you. A boss or manager can shout and scream and threaten you but, only you can get yourself going and keep the momentum needed to sustain a great sales career! Chin up, smile and keep going forward!


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