Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Alone Zone

The Alone Zone

This ‘alone zone’ is something I have utilised during my working day, it allows me to have absolute focus on the task at hand with no interruptions or distractions. This is what I often call having a little (SMD) which means ‘single minded determination’. This discipline is so powerful for getting ‘things done’ and ‘adding a little focus and passion’ to the cause. 

Now, when I put ‘alone zone’ to practice it is often when I need to get something done or I have been pulled away from my ‘to do’ list or when I got to get the most important task done that day. 

During this time, I am utterly focused and to be honest ‘being rude to the world’ in making sure I get what I have to get done, DONE!!

I once heard someone whilst in a ‘SMD’ mindset say to a colleague who wanted to discuss the latest on the weekends football, ‘Hey I have to get this done, if you want to go and speak to someone else about the footie please do, however, I have to get this done, sorry!’ Now to me...that is psychologically winning the battle, as you have explained you are other wised engaged in a polite, assertive and driven way? 

This ‘alone zone’ can be your best friend and can help you, I made reference to getting busy and SMD in my earlier post Sales Motivation is the key where I quote ‘it is natural for you to sit back and chat with the other people in your office. We all know that gossip can be counterproductive to motivation. This is where we require some (SMD) Single Minded Determination.’ 

If you create your ‘alone zone’ you can be very productive in getting things done! Now – getting things done is something we often lose control of, what I mean is; we are all sometimes guilty of starting something and then getting distracted, then moving onto something else and creating numerous ‘open projects’ on our desk. Focusing efforts in this way can make sure you knock all the most important tasks over and become instantly more efficient. 
Hope this helps you as much as it has helped me...

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