Monday 8 April 2013

Thank you for putting me through!

Thank you for putting me through! 

People often come to me and ask me the best way to get past a gatekeeper, the receptionist that is screening your calls because they are told not to put ‘sales calls’ through to senior people within their organisations. 

Something we often don’t realise is that if we cannot speak to the decision maker to present our offering we cannot sell our products or services. So getting through to the key person is somewhat important and what I am about to share with you is something I was told a while back and when I am making prospecting calls I use this technique and it works wonders. 

Now, when making your next call try this;

Steve - Good morning, could you put me through to Mr Gates please? Thank you! 

What I have done here is asked them to put me through to Mr Gates (likely you would get through to ‘THE’ Mr Gates mind!!) whilst closing it off with Thank you! This is important as it’s the assumption that you have spoken to him before and you’re thanking them for putting you through before they have had the chance to ask you any challenging questions.

Granted, this will not work all the time, however, if you can speak to more decision makers by closing the gatekeeper on your initial opening request you will be able get in front of more prospects and in turn you will sell more.

Remember though, it’s very much of a loose saying of ‘Thank you’ at the end of your opening statement. Try saying it to yourself and/ or a colleague to get the hang of it. Then try it, you will be amazed at the amount of gatekeepers that will automatically put you through.

Let me know how you get on and hope this helps you like it has helped me and many other using this simple yet effective technique, Thank you!

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