Tuesday 2 April 2013

Attitude Makes All the Difference

Attitude Makes All the Difference

When looking for some good material to give me a lift and some inspiration I turn to some of the best world’s best life coaches, teachers, and philanthropists. We have people like Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Seth Godin, Zig Ziglar and many more....

Now, I remember watching a short clip of Zig Ziglar where he was speaking to an audience about 'Attitude' where it makes all the difference in life. This clip is brilliant and powerful.

Even though this Video I am going to share with you is a few years old the points Zig makes are fantastic and it's definitely worth 10 minutes of anybody's time. 

I remember reading that his first book, “See You At The Top“, was rejected 39 times before being published in 1975. He went on to write and publish more than two dozen additional best-selling books.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” 
– Zig Ziglar

Was that not just a brilliant clip on Attitude.

If you have any other videos on Inspiration or Motivation that you would recommend please get in touch.

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