Thursday 11 April 2013

Practice What You Preach

Practice What You Preach

As Leaders in our fields we have to remember to 'Practice What We Preach' and we often forget this in our working lives and even our private lives. We hold little value to others when we do not do what we ask of them. 

It's one thing we all like helping people and pointing people in the right direction, but as leaders in our fields we have to be seen to be doing what we are saying and this is often forgot about. 

'Practice What You Preach' comes from an old American Proverb, it is very much the same as 'Walk the Walk' or 'Actions speak Louder than Words' they all have the same meaning. When we preach to people it holds little value to them when we are not doing it ourselves and really, why should they? I mean if we want someone to do something and we are not doing it ourselves we can't really expect anything more!

Personally, I and other leaders in my team right now often discuss this and we can all fall down here, when we take our eye off the ball and really not do as we say.

Now, I always find that when I do a good job others follow, this is without even speaking or asking anyone to do anything. Reason this works for me is because i believe leaders should (well) lead! This means that when we are doing a good job or a task in a different way, which is bearing more fruit or getting the job done much quicker people will follow suit. This, I find is the best way to get others to again 'Practice what You Preach'.

Next time we want someone else to do something differently why don't we have a look at ourselves and say, are we doing this? If not, we really need to think why they should. I mean, if someone asked you to do something different and they was not doing what they are asking, would you do it? I am guessing, No!

This works well for me and you will be amazed by the results, I have people in my team, family and private life that follow particular attributes of mine as they see results it gets for me! 

Good Luck and remember, Practice What You Preach! 

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