Thursday 21 February 2013

Calling the Next Door Neighbour

Calling the Next Door Neighbour

This is something that I have always found to be very useful and it more often than not missed. When we win a new client one thing we should always be vigilant about and I seen it many times where Sales Professionals are not, - thus is their ‘location’ as they may be based in a prime business area or business park with many companies around them.

Now, as we are now doing business with company based at Office A, we can now contact Office B, C, D and so on... We can find all the information online all we need to do is simply, key the postcode into Google or even royal mail address checking facility. It then kicks out all the local business and we have an instant reason to call them.

The big reason here is we all like to know what the ‘Jones’ are up to and what is new in their business even if we don’t like to admit this. So when we call the Offices around our ‘new client’ we can make reference to the business pain we solved with our customer and how we can do the same for them. This is very powerful as you have immediately created some common ground and ‘hooked’ the potential client’s interest and he is now listening to you and what you have to say.

More reasons this is again very useful is many businesses talk – they might even know each other but as they are based next to one another they are aware! Your new customer may even be able to make this even easier for you as you could use him as a soft reference point! Should the client wish to be contacted (permission from the client is essential here as a new client might feel uncomfortable about giving you a reference so early on and especially if he has not been prepped beforehand this could become very uncomfortable for the future).

This technique done effectively is a great way to win new business and can create a warmer approach to prospecting.

Going forward, if you need any additional information on the technique detailed above, please contact me on:

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