Wednesday 13 February 2013

Who makes the 5th call?

Who makes the 5th call?

I always say its all about giving that little bit more, such as getting to grips with Telemarketing that can make all the difference to your career, lifestyle, income and self-satisfaction.

I come across this quote a while back which demonstrates that a little bit more makes a difference;

‘At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train’ 

The hard truth is that most professional sales people are only one skill away from increasing their earning potential by over 200% and this skill is often Cold Calling and not only making a single call but to be strict and have self-discipline…I and many others love it! Reason being is I love it as so many don’t.

Bob Etherington provides a reality check for many sales people on what I would call the ’tacky numbers game’ he explains that;

95% of sales people make the first cold call,

50% of sales people make the second cold call,

25% of sales people make the third cold call,

15% of sales people make the fourth cold call,

10% of sales people make the fifth cold call,

Leaving just 5% of sales people make the sixth cold call and they take 85% of the available new business in any market.

 The statistic’s above show that the more effort we put into to pursuing an opportunity the more chance we have of being in the top percentage of the best Sales Professionals.

In my team we often discuss the parts of the day and hammer around for new business over the phone; this by many professionals in our industry is done in the hours of 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm.

During these times we can be faced with challenges and granted a good chance of reaching the decision maker who will be in his meetings and doing the job they are employed to do.

Sometimes I often suggest we do something different which other people are not doing and we can from the hours of 8.30am-11am, 12.30pm-2pm and for you hard working winners 4pm-5.30pm.

The main reasons these times are good is we can often bypass the difficult gatekeeper who works 9am till 5pm and has lunch 12noon – 1pm won’t be at the other end of the phone…cover will be on and also at these times we have known to get straight through to the decision makers and can pitch our offering immediately.

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