Monday 18 February 2013

LinkedIn and relationships don’t miss out!

LinkedIn and relationships don’t miss out!

Last week I was a delegate at a fantastic LinkedIn session and we covered some great points that I felt were really useful and helped me to understand that there are many ways to increase traffic to your LinkedIn page (your professional personal website if you will) along with how to be proactive in generating relationships and connections.

This word ‘relationships’ is the keyword, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional networking site and has well over 200million members worldwide, with 12.2million in the UK alone. So the potential to reach so many professionals is better than ever before.

One of things we discussed in our session was to make the most of the love between Google and LinkedIn – meaning that your name, header and profile summary needs to contain as many keywords which you want to be associated with as possible. So when someone searches in Google, your LinkedIn site has the SEO capabilities to get you up there and found. Oh, another thing, please remember the picture – Your profile picture must not be of you on a nightclub dance floor with one eye open...Its best to keep it presentable and professional. LinkedIn likes this...

The 2 areas I found most useful was the tagging of contacts into a new 'tag name' so you can send them messages and material specific for them 'in one hit', whether it be industry, title, company, locations or whatever. We simply create a tag and then select members to go into this ‘tag name’ and with a few clicks there on after can be mailed with ease. What a Brilliant and efficient way of getting in touch with specific, targeted connections. Secondly, groups, now using groups to their full potential is important as we join groups relevant to our business and interests – Then, when we are members of our chosen groups we can message ALL other members without being connected, Amazingly, you all share a similar interests after all you’re in the same group! Dont forget, nothing stops you to comment on a current discussion or create a discussion of our own…Its massive to help gain credibility and a reputation within our network. Furthermore, a personal favorite is a ‘poll’ we can create a poll on any topic (best relevant to the group of course) to gain results and to do our own research and development for any project, campaign or whatever you wish to use the results for.

Potential is HUGE guys!

*Don’t forget we don’t sell on LinkedIn – We create business relationships where they can recommend our products and services and if so, benefit from our offerings themselves! 

If you have any questions on any of the topics I have mentioned please, contact me!

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