Wednesday 31 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 5 - Show everyone how great you really are

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 5 - Show everyone how great you really are 

This step for me is something I found to be a key driver, in self-confidence and personal development as a whole. Showing others how great you are, is life changing.

How I personally do this, I try to do often what I am good at doing for self-satisfaction and personal respect. Now, lets not get mistaken with showing off because we can beat others at a race or competition. This is done by helping others, people around us - when someone is stuck, confused or needing some assistance, we help them. They themselves see your sincerity and generosity, whilst others around see too 'what a awesome person you really are'.

The 5 simple steps to be liked are well ‘simple’ yet effective, we can all start doing these now.

Tomorrow, when you leave in the morning remember this - other people are like you, have feelings and worries so let’s be kind and nice and like I said before 'Treat others and you would have them treat you'.

One more thing, I said to my friend whilst driving today, if you can pay one person a compliment in a day, no matter how small, it makes an impact on someone’s life. Remember, this compliment could make that persons day and the best thing about it, cost nothing! Without realising more people will begin to like you!

If you have any more ideas on being liked, Get in touch!

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