Monday 29 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 4 - Get Out There

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 4 – Get Out There

It's simple to understand that being liked by more people, we have to meet more 'like-minded' people. Much of being liked is surrounding yourself with people who enjoy doing the same things as you.

When I have joined local football teams, clubs and organisations over the years - something happened! without realising I was liking others around me and in turn they liked me. I did not really think about this at the time. It does make common sense when we think about it! 

So, if we get out there and meet others who are interested in activities we are, one thing is for sure. We will be liked. My advice to you is write down 3 interests and/or hobbies - one will stand out, choose this one and then action now. Look on-line for local clubs and have an interest.

This will make a massive difference to your life. You will also start being liked by more people, instantly.

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” - William Shakespeare


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