Wednesday 31 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 5 - Show everyone how great you really are

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 5 - Show everyone how great you really are 

This step for me is something I found to be a key driver, in self-confidence and personal development as a whole. Showing others how great you are, is life changing.

How I personally do this, I try to do often what I am good at doing for self-satisfaction and personal respect. Now, lets not get mistaken with showing off because we can beat others at a race or competition. This is done by helping others, people around us - when someone is stuck, confused or needing some assistance, we help them. They themselves see your sincerity and generosity, whilst others around see too 'what a awesome person you really are'.

The 5 simple steps to be liked are well ‘simple’ yet effective, we can all start doing these now.

Tomorrow, when you leave in the morning remember this - other people are like you, have feelings and worries so let’s be kind and nice and like I said before 'Treat others and you would have them treat you'.

One more thing, I said to my friend whilst driving today, if you can pay one person a compliment in a day, no matter how small, it makes an impact on someone’s life. Remember, this compliment could make that persons day and the best thing about it, cost nothing! Without realising more people will begin to like you!

If you have any more ideas on being liked, Get in touch!

Monday 29 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 4 - Get Out There

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 4 – Get Out There

It's simple to understand that being liked by more people, we have to meet more 'like-minded' people. Much of being liked is surrounding yourself with people who enjoy doing the same things as you.

When I have joined local football teams, clubs and organisations over the years - something happened! without realising I was liking others around me and in turn they liked me. I did not really think about this at the time. It does make common sense when we think about it! 

So, if we get out there and meet others who are interested in activities we are, one thing is for sure. We will be liked. My advice to you is write down 3 interests and/or hobbies - one will stand out, choose this one and then action now. Look on-line for local clubs and have an interest.

This will make a massive difference to your life. You will also start being liked by more people, instantly.

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” - William Shakespeare


Thursday 25 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 3 - Be Nice

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 3 – Be Nice


This is probably the most important part of being liked. We all want to be around people who are nice and have a gentle friendly nature, simple! Now, if we can be nice to others generally they will be nice in return and you become a likable person.
Like it says in the bible, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12)
I say this a lot to people, I think we can just start by being as patient and polite as you can with people, yet casual. Listen, and try to help if you can. Do things for people because you want to, not to get something in return.
A good way we can be nice at work is, each day give someone different a compliment, make someone a drink, and ask someone what they are doing this weekend. People love talking about themselves, this is VERY important to remember.
Lastly, I always remember this quote from ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ - You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. – Dale Carnegie.
Always Be Nice!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 2 - Be Yourself

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 2 - Be Yourself


Now, if you are behaving false and you keep pretending to be someone you aren't, people are eventually going to get irritated, or like you for someone you aren't. This will only result in one thing!

So just be yourself. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and do as you feel, even if nobody else is in it with you. It will earn you respect and people will know who the real you is. Then they automatically begin to like you, relate to you and have common interests with you.

During my time over the years, in many instances I have met many people where instantly they look uncomfortable and I can tell they’re out to impress with false behaviour.

Also, being yourself is a hell of a lot easier than being someone you are not, how difficult it must be to act totally out of character for a prolonged period of time. Must be tiring to say the least!

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. - Bruce Lee

Always be yourself, you are UNIQUE and GREAT!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 1 - Be Confident

Being liked made easy in 5 simple steps, Step 1 -  Be Confident

This is one of the most important parts of being a better person, others will notice the confidence within you – notice when you have none and pick up when it is glowing and radiant!

We still need to show people that we aren't afraid to face the world. So work on your self-esteem, here is a GREAT way to make a difference now; Write down a list of good things about you that you have, about your character. Tell me once you have done this you don’t feel more confident?

I always find doing something off the list helps me feel more confident instantly, don’t be afraid to try something new and scary as it will only help you. Sometimes throwing yourself into these positions makes the difference straight away.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Remember - Be Confident, Starting From Now!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Good Leader

The Good Leader

Being a good Leader is never easy, it requires you to keep your edge and have the motivation that is contagious to those around you. For most of us, like me leading comes very natural, as it is programmed into our mind's and we automatically inspire others without realising.

To be a great leader it requires many different attributes of your personality, most of the skills we need are learnable, however- I believe some lead from the front - which can be very hard to do, when leading this is very important.
Managers have employees, leaders have followers
- Unknown

The image below shows all the key qualities to be a good leader, if we can all be honest with ourselves as leaders - we all can work on 2 or more of the qualities below. Lets all get improving and being the best we can be!




If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader - John Quincy Adams
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way
-  John C. Maxwell