Wednesday 8 May 2013

Getting past the competition

Getting past the competition

We would all love to say some very colourful things about our competition, we often get annoyed when they undercut us or come into our customer with a price aggressive deal. People have always asked me a way in which we can tell our prospects/ customers that our competitions are ‘Not As Good As Us’ (worded politely!).

A few years ago I read an article and for the life of me cannot think of who said it; this simple technique is very effective in planting a seed of doubt and encouraging the other person to think twice about our competition.            

Next time you are told about a competitor use this;

                Oh yes, I know who they are, I have heard of them. Although, I don’t really hear much of them in recent times mind…

This plants doubt as they will be thinking; How come? Are they going under? Are they losing customers? Have they a bad reputation? This is a great way of giving you the advantage and giving yourself the upper hand.

Try this next time you come against a competitor and you would be amazed to the curiosity it arouses and the doubt that creeps in. We retrain our professionalism as we have said nothing ill of our competition we have merely just said what is the truth, “We don’t hear much of them in recent times”

If you have any questions please email me at;

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