Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Mind is our most powerful tool – use it!


The Mind is Our Most Powerful Tool – Use It!

When you are beginning your day you must be psychologically prepared, this means your mindset must be of the ilk where you understand yourself and objectives. Now this may sound like something that is not very relevant but please let me explain the importance of having the correct mindset along with some simple yet effective techniques for achieving this.

Most professionals wake up in the morning; shower, eat and maybe watch some television whilst eating their breakfast. Then leave the house listening to the radio on the way to work. Now this routine is the norm for many professionals all across the world but to get ahead and have a psychological advantage over your competition try these simple techniques;

         The Early Bird Catches The Worm

Getting enough sleep is as important as a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. Going to bed earlier allows us to wake up refreshed, earlier and gives us more time to prepare for the day ahead. 

                ‘When professional football players come out the play a match they don’t arrive on the coach get changed and away they go! They warm up the muscles they are going to need so they can use them to the best of their ability – this is the same in our profession ‘Selling’ we need to warm up our brain’

         Get Those Juices Flowing

This step is one of the many things I have adopted for years and is one of the most important in preparing our mind for our arrival in the economical jungle – where only the strong and more vigilant survive.  As you have now changed your sleeping pattern and are awake earlier, you can get those all important juices flowing by reading, for example, a sales training book or a motivational publication (one of the best I have found is Dale Carnegie's  How to win friends and influence people) or even the biography of a self made millionaire who was once like you are now and adopted these kind of skills to his or her working life and are now in that 1% of the world population that earn 99% of the wealth! This will energise and get your brain sharpened up for the day ahead.

         Create Your Mobile College

In the morning when you’re driving to work you can really give yourself a competitive edge to your career, this is very important time wasted as it was published a short while ago that sales professionals spend over 70% of their selling time in their car. This means that if we can utilise this time when we are travelling to the office or even to that customer meeting to the best we possibly can because one thing we all don’t have enough of its time. Just imagine if you were to purchase some sales training/ motivational audio and play it in your car as many cars today can support all different types of audio format.

These simple techniques will get you on the way to winning more new business and earning more money today!